On The Way To Success Karnevskaya Reshebnik

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There's no better way to succeed than to follow those that already did. Here are 13 great tips on how to be successful in life from the most successful people of all time. And along the way, there were all those cutting comments from anonymous peer reviewers. Has laid bare these shortcomings and more, all which came along the road to success.

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«إنما الأعمال بالنيات، وإنما لكل امرىء ما نوى» رواه البخاري Whatever your goal in life and your desire from your work are, if your intention is to benefit yourself, then it is your goal in life. However, if your intention is to benefit yourself to strengthen it in obedience or to benefit Muslims, and you intend to thank Allah Glorified and Exalted for that, you are, then, heading towards a means of acceptance. Seeking Allah by deeds entails Allah Almighty' love; and Allah's love is a key of acceptance as was mentioned in the Hadith.


The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him, has said: 'If Allah loves a person, He calls Gabriel saying: 'Allah loves so and so; O Gabriel, love him.' Gabriel would love him, and then Gabriel would make an announcement among the residents of the Heaven: 'Allah loves so-and-so, therefore, you should love him also.'

So, all the residents of the Heavens would love him and then he is granted the acceptance of the people of the earth.' [Reported by Al-Bukhari]. «نعمتان مغبون فيهما كثير من الناس: الصحة والفراغ» رواه البخاري It is evidence that time and high determination have a strong role in achievement and success. Inactivity and wasting time with what has no benefit for a Muslim is a disadvantage in two ways: First: it is a disadvantage in the Hereafter, because the remorse of the people of the Hereafter will be for each moment at which one did not remember Allah, so what about a moment at which one disobeyed Allah! Second: it is a disadvantage in this worldly life, as a man who wastes time uselessly must lose a lot of benefits. As the degree of the people of resolution, resolutions are achieved And as the degree of the people of honor, honors are achieved Inferiorities are great in the eyes of the inferior And great things are inferior in the eyes of the great Yahya Ibn Mu'az said: 'the aggrieved is the one who inactivates his/her days with the fruitless, empowers his/her organs for the things that would destroy them, and dies before being sobered up from the hidden violations.'

One of the ancestors said: 'night and day work on you so you should work on them.' Abu al-Abbas al-Dynury said: 'there is nothing greater or nicer than time and heart and you are wasting both time and heart.' Brother: be wise in disposing your affairs, hold yourself responsible for your time and define your duties towards your Lord, your soul, your family and your worldly life obligations. Transformers prime all episodes in hindi download.

If you manage your matters well by organizing, planning and accountability, you will succeed in most of your affairs. Do not procrastinate today's businesses to tomorrow.

Do not sleep in the times of duties. Do not be desperate in critical times. Know that persistence is the way of victory and that patience is the key for relief. Be as a poet said: A heart that looks at its thoughts and a hand That passes affairs and a soul that its fun is fatigue. And as another poet said: I have not got possession by wishes But with days that made the forepart grey I wore for it the turbidity of dust as If you saw unclear to see the weather clear Do not accompany the people of slackening and laziness.

If you accompany them so let it be in fear and apprehension of them. Do not look at the pleasures of the people of idleness; they are but in a way of failure that you do not see its signs. Look at the people of seriousness. Read in their stories in history. Ask about their affairs. You will find that they have busied themselves with the most useful and righteous deeds. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his family and companions.